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Begin the New Year with Tongue Tie Correction

Smiling toddler wearing a blue hat.

If you have spent the past year concerned about a child’s tongue tie, now is the time to take action. Also known as ankyloglossia, this condition can impact development. Early intervention will help your child avoid these issues with a minimally invasive procedure in the Tristate area. It is first important to consider how your… Continue reading

How to Prevent Complications After Tongue Tie Surgery

Cheerful parents playing with their daughter.

Many newborns born with tongue tie have trouble eating, speaking or breastfeeding. Tongue tie surgery can be a solution. It is a straightforward treatment that can significantly improve tongue mobility. What is Tongue Tie? Some people are born with a disorder called “tongue tie,” which limits their ability to move their tongue freely. The bottom… Continue reading

The Consequences of Leaving Your Child’s Tongue Tie Untreated

Group of five happy pre-school kids.

Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a condition in which children cannot properly move their tongues. While some cases do not cause any problems, others need to be treated to avoid problems in the future. What Causes Tongue Tie? The lingual frenulum, a thin band of tissue that runs from the tongue to the… Continue reading

My Newborn Has Trouble Breastfeeding – Could it be Tongue Tie?

A parent tickling their happy baby on a cheek.

About 5% of all newborns have tongue tie or lip tie (a small number have both). Trouble with breastfeeding is often the reason a child receives a tongue tie or lip tie of diagnosis. The lingual frenulum is a short, tough band of tissue underneath the tongue that can develop irregularly, binding the tongue to… Continue reading

Quick, Painless Tongue Tie and Lip Tie in NYC

Cheerful parents playing with their daughter.

Tongue tie is a condition when the lingual frenulum, a tight, short band of tissue, binds the tongue to the mouth floor, restricting full use and movement. It occurs in about 5% of all infants and is three times as likely to occur in boys than girls. Traditional tongue tie release surgery involved sutures or… Continue reading

Why Should I Have Tongue Tie Release as an Adult?

Broadly smiling beautiful brunette woman.

Adults may have avoided treatment for a tongue tie or lip tie their entire lives. Varying reasons can exist, from lack of a diagnosis to a desire to avoid surgery and more. Many adults have simply adapted to their tongue tie or lip tie condition, eating, speaking and even sleeping with difficulty and never voicing… Continue reading

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NYC Tongue Tie

200 W. 57th St., Suite 1410,
New York, NY 10019