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Non-Surgical Tongue Tie Release Procedure: An Overview

laughing mother with daughter

Tongue tie, or ankyloglossia, is a condition in which the strip of skin beneath the tongue (the lingual frenulum) is shorter than usual, limiting the tongue’s range of motion. This condition can affect people of all ages and may lead to various issues, including difficulty breastfeeding, speech difficulties, and oral health problems. While surgical tongue… Continue reading

Myths and Facts About Tongue Ties

Happy Smiling Son And Father

Tongue ties are a common condition that affects many people. However, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding this condition that can lead to confusion and misinformation. In this article, we will explore seven common myths and facts about tongue ties. Myth #1: Tongue ties are rare. Fact: Tongue ties are not rare. In fact,… Continue reading

Signs of Lip Ties in Infants and Toddlers

happy laughing child smiling

A frenulum is a tissue that connects the upper lip to the gums. When a frenulum is shorter or stiff, it can restrict the movement of the upper lip, causing what is called a “lip tie.” When a lip tie is severe, it can cause many different issues, from difficulty feeding in infancy to speech… Continue reading

Unraveling Tongue Tie:Causes and Complications Explored

laughing young mom with baby in the park

Tongue tie, medically known as ankyloglossia, is a condition that affects infants and individuals of all ages. Your child may experience limitations in tongue movement due to an unusually short or tight lingual frenulum. While the exact cause of tongue tie is not fully understood, several factors linked to the condition are potential contributors. In… Continue reading

Tongue Tie FAQs

happy girl with curly hair

Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a condition where the frenulum (the piece of tissue that connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth) is too tight or short. This can cause a range of issues, from difficulty breastfeeding to speech problems. Here are some frequently asked questions about tongue tie that are posed… Continue reading

How to Identify Potential Tongue Tie in Adults

joyful excited brunette in a blue sweater

You may have gone through your entire life without realizing you have a tongue tie. It is not unusual for adults to experience issues that do not necessarily point to the condition. Fatigue, jaw pain, teeth grinding and mouth breathing are just some of the associated symptoms. A tongue tie does not always result in… Continue reading

Treat Tongue-Tie Early for Proper Growth and Development

smiling girl in the garden

Is your child experiencing difficulty with feeding, speech or growth? It might be due to a tongue-tie, a condition where the tongue is connected to the floor of the mouth. Early intervention is critical in preventing negative effects, as a tongue-tie can limit your baby’s range of tongue motion and lead to developmental issues with… Continue reading

What To Eat After Tongue Tie Surgery

three bottles smoothie against healthy fruits

If you or your child need tongue tie surgery, you may wonder whether your dietary choices will interfere with recovery. The following are some examples of what you should and should not eat after tongue tie surgery. Foods to Avoid Anything chewy, hot or spicy should be avoided, as these can all irritate. Likewise, avoid… Continue reading

Benefits of Tongue Tie Treatment for Babies

A parent tickling their happy baby on a cheek.

While a rare condition, tongue and lip ties can cause a multitude of problems with growth and development for babies. Diagnosing and addressing the issue early helps to prevent numerous complications that can happen as the child gets older. Here are the top three benefits tongue tie treatment can deliver for babies. Easier Breastfeeding and… Continue reading

Begin the New Year with Tongue Tie Correction

Smiling toddler wearing a blue hat.

If you have spent the past year concerned about a child’s tongue tie, now is the time to take action. Also known as ankyloglossia, this condition can impact development. Early intervention will help your child avoid these issues with a minimally invasive procedure in the Tristate area. It is first important to consider how your… Continue reading

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NYC Tongue Tie

200 W. 57th St., Suite 1410,
New York, NY 10019