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In the intricate world of infant health and development, certain conditions may fly under the radar despite their potential to significantly impact overall well-being. One such condition that has garnered increased attention in recent years is tongue tie. At NTC Tongue Tie, we are dedicated to shedding light on this often misunderstood issue to empower parents and healthcare professionals alike. There is a prevalence of tongue tie issues in infants, which has many implications for infant health.

Tongue tie, medically known as ankyloglossia, is a congenital condition characterized by a short, thick or tight band of tissue (lingual frenulum) that tethers the tongue to the floor of the mouth. This restriction can limit the range of motion and mobility of the tongue, potentially affecting various functions such as breastfeeding, speech, and oral hygiene.

Prevalence Rates

Estimating the prevalence of tongue tie issues in infants can be challenging due to variations in diagnostic criteria and screening methods. However, emerging research suggests that tongue ties may be more common than previously thought. While precise prevalence rates vary across studies, recent evidence indicates that tongue tie may affect approximately 4% to 10% of newborns, with some populations showing higher rates.

Factors Contributing to Prevalence

Several factors may contribute to the prevalence of tongue tie issues in infants, including genetic predisposition, fetal development and environmental influences. Additionally, increased awareness and improved diagnostic techniques have led to higher rates of identification and diagnosis in recent years.

Implications for Infant Health

Untreated tongue ties can have significant implications for infant health and well-being. In the context of breastfeeding, tongue tie may hinder the infant’s ability to latch onto the breast effectively, leading to breastfeeding difficulties, poor weight gain and maternal nipple pain and discomfort. Beyond breastfeeding, tongue tie can also affect speech development, oral hygiene and overall oral function as the child grows older.

Importance of Early Identification and Intervention

Early identification and intervention are crucial in addressing tongue-tie issues and minimizing potential complications. Healthcare providers, including pediatricians, lactation consultants and dentists, play a vital role in screening infants for signs of tongue tie and referring them to specialists for evaluation and treatment when necessary.

Treatment Options

When a tongue tie is identified in an infant, surgical intervention may be recommended to release the tethered lingual frenulum. This procedure, known as a frenotomy or frenectomy, involves gently snipping the restrictive tissue to allow for improved tongue mobility and function. At NYC Tongue Tie, Dr. Levitin can perform this procedure painlessly for infants in less than 10 minutes.

Tongue tie issues are more prevalent in infants than commonly recognized, with potential implications for breastfeeding, speech development and overall oral health. By raising awareness of this condition and its prevalence rates, we can empower parents and healthcare professionals to recognize the signs and seek early intervention when necessary. At NTC Tongue Tie, we are committed to providing compassionate care and effective solutions for infants with tongue ties, ensuring optimal health and well-being from the very start of life. Contact us today if your child has been diagnosed with a tongue tie and needs treatment.

Posted on behalf of NYC Tongue Tie

200 W. 57th St., Suite 510,
New York, NY 10019

Phone: Call (212) 257-3546


Monday & Tuesday 8:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday & Thursday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM

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NYC Tongue Tie

200 W. 57th St., Suite 510,
New York, NY 10019